A Process That Focuses On You

At Alpine Financial Services Group, we utilize a macroeconomic approach to help you balance the four primary financial domains of Protection, Assets, Liabilities, and Cash Flow. This system, called The Living Balance Sheet®, recognizes the interdependence of these domains and tests all financial strategies across them in an effort to maximize the protection and performance of your assets and cash flow.

This unique approach can provide you with enhanced benefits in a number of areas, such as tax savings, risk management, and control of personal wealth. Through the use of The Living Balance Sheet®, you have immediate and up-to-date access to all of your accounts and related financial information, and our advisors are immediately alerted if and when something changes. This provides the ability to monitor your planning and provide the most accurate, up-to-date, and timely recommendations and strategies.

When working with clients and utilizing The Living Balance Sheet®, we follow a five step process:

#1 Discovery Meeting

This first meeting is solely dedicated to learning more about one another. You will learn more about our firm, how we operate, and the services we offer. On the other end of the spectrum, we will learn more about why you are seeking a financial advisor. We want to learn about what keeps you up at night and identify your concerns, your goals, and how you envision your future retirement.

#2 Protection Overview

We follow a "protection first" philosophy, which will help safeguard your current assets and continue to protect them as you build wealth. During this second step, we will review the protection that currently exists in your world and make sure your assets are protected properly.

#3 Financial Strategy

Once we determine whether or not your assets are appropriately protected, we will help you gain a clear understanding of all factors that influence your wealth. We will set you up with our planning tool, The Living Balance Sheet®, to help you visually understand how protection, cash flow, assets and liabilities are interdependent of one another and work together.

#4 Implementation

Once we have determined a financial strategy that aligns with your needs, risk tolerance, and time horizon, we will help you coordinate your financial instruments in a way that brings the most value to you. We will take action to move beyond concept to implementation of your plan.

#5 Ongoing Monitoring and Updates

The only certainty in life is uncertainty. As markets shift or your personal situation changes, so will your goals or needs and, as a result, your strategy. Once your strategy is implemented, we offer ongoing monitoring and reviews to ensure you are on track as you pursue your goals. We hold in-depth reviews and determine whether any changes to your strategy are needed. The purpose for a review is to achieve optimum and continuous financial balance.